Booking Knowledge base

We've put together some commonly asked Questions to give you more information about Traviyo!!!

Step 1: Click ok suppliers under Supplier module

Step 2: Click on add option from title menu

Step 3: Enter the details & check on multiple services in access services section

Step 4: Click on submit button

Step 1: Click on Supplier submodule under Suppliers module

Step 2: Go to the filter icon from title top menu

Step 3: Enter details and click on filter button

Step 1: Click on Supplier submodule under Suppliers module

Step 2: Click on add icon from the top title menu

Step2: Enter details and Add account details in Account Information section

Step 1: Navigate to invoice settings under Invoices sub module

Step 2: Fill details and click on Save Button

Step 1: Click on the follow-up button of booking converted leads

Step 2: Click on Payment schedule button

Step 3: Select Schedule Customer Payment, fill details and click on send button

Step 1: Click on the follow-up button of booking converted leads

Step 2: Click on Payment schedule button

Step 3: Select Schedule Supplier Payment, fill details and click on send button

Step 1: Click on Follow-up button of Booking Leads

Step 2: Navigate to payment schedule

Step 3: Select Schedule Customer Payment

Step 4: Fill details, check on Generate invoice

Step 5: Create PDF and click on add button

Step 1: Go to invoices under invoice submodule

Step 2: Select multiple invoices of same customer and click on Merge button from the top tittle menu

Step 3: Fill details, merge invoice and click on send button if need to send merged invoice to customer

Step 1: Go to invoice submodule under Invoices

Step 2: Select the invoice whose status need to be change

Step 3: Click on status in which invoice will convert either paid or unpaid

Step 1: Click on the Invoice under Invoices submodule

Step 2: Go to edit option, edit detail and generate pdf

Step 3: Click on send button

Step 4: After send grid will open then click on Download icon

Step 1: Navigate to invoice settings under Invoices sub module

Step 2: Fill details upload signature, logo etc

Step 3: Click on Submit button

Step 1: Click on Supplier Payment submodule under Supplier module

Step 2: Click on Release Payment button of which lead you need to release payment

Step 2: Fill details, generate pdf and click on send button

Step 1: Click on Supplier Payment under Suppliers module

Step 2: Click on Release Payment button

Step 3: Enter details and click on Generate pdf

Step 1: Navigate to booking submodule under Leads

Step 2: Click on Follow-up button

Step 3: Finalized the Quotation and click on mail icon

Step 4: Enter the details, generate pdf and send to customer

Hotel Voucher:

Step 1: Click on Follow-up button of Booking Leads

Step 2: Click on Voucher and select Hotel Voucher

Step 3: Fill details, generate pdf and click on send

Transfer Voucher:

Step 1: Click on Follow-up button of Booking Leads

Step 2: Click on Voucher and select Transfer Voucher

Step 3: Fill details, generate pdf and click on send

Step 1: Go to Reports module; navigate to Lead Performance Reports submodule

Step 2: Filter the leads of which need to get report

Step 3: Click on Search button

Step 1: Go to Reports module; navigate to Customer Payment Reports submodule

Step 2: Filter the customer by any column to need to get report

Step 3: Click on Search button

Step 1: Go to the Reports module; navigate to Supplier Payment Report submodule

Step 2: Filter Supplier by any column to need to get report

Step 3: Click on Search button

Step 1: Go to search filter page of any report

Step 2: Filter the lead and click on Export To Excel

Step 3: Open the downloaded Excel file & get report in bulk

Step 1: Click on Settings module

Step 2: Tab on Currency and Click on Add icon

Step 3: Add currency and click on Submit button